
So what happened to QUIK?

QUIK, my in house immediate mode 2D drawing and UI library has been in development for quite some time for now. Due to the sheer size of the library and its auxilliary components it is sinking a lot of my time. Whilst I was developing the library I had mentioned a few online friends of the existence of the library (in its WIP state) and had gotten some wrappers for native C libraries.

"BoyBaykiller" on the OpenTK discord really enjoyed my StbImage bindings. However when it came to uploading them to nuget.org as linked, I had run into a namespace restriction that had been assigned for QUIK. Instead of creating a ticket with the nuget team, I decided renaming the library under my game engine ReFuel would be quicker. I did also go back and forth with OpenTK maintainers if they would adopt the library but they weren't so warm on it.

This left quite a bad taste in my mouth. I'm still working on issues with freetype bindings as we speak, but the name QUIK had to go. After speaking to some fellows over on the SRB2Kart communities I am in, "Froil" came up with the name "Dashboard" for a rebranding. Since the game engine components are named after petrochemicals and car components, this was a fitting name.

I hope to release Dashboard in this or next decade™ soon!